Elaboration and Characterization of the Mechanical Properties and Moisture Buffer Value of a Composite Based on Lime and Date Palm Petiole Fibre

Abderrezak Gharbi,Aziez Zeddouri, Abdelhafid Gherfi, Kamal Bouchemaa

Annals of West University of Timisoara - Physics(2022)

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Abstract This study concerns a new ecological material, bio-sourced and with reduced environmental impact. The material in question is a composite made from date palm fibers and lime. For the development of this material, we were inspired by the techniques used for the manufacture of hemp concrete. The latter is widely used especially in France for the thermal insulation of buildings. The idea is to design an insulation material from the natural resources of the southern Algerian region. The material made is a lightweight concrete that could provide both thermal and acoustic insulation. By its porous morphology, it also has the ability to absorb water vapor when it is in an environment with high relative humidity and to release the vapor if the environment is dry. It could therefore play the role of a water regulator. Experimental investigations revealed interesting mechanical and hydrous properties. Measurements of the moisture buffer value (MBV) reveal that according to the current standard, the material is classified between good and excellent. As regards the mechanical strength, the material produced has an acceptable compressive strength.
date palm petiole fiber,lime,composite materials,bio-sourced materials,water absorption
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