
What kind of patient education and self-care support do patients with heart failure receive, and by whom? Implementation of the ESC guidelines for heart failure in three European regions

Heart & lung : the journal of critical care(2023)

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Background: In order to manage Heart Failure (HF) properly, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions including patient education and self-care (SC) support are important. Appropriate health care (HC) professional support is necessary to improve patient SC-skills. However, little is known which HC-professionals deliver specific education and support in daily HF-care. Objectives: To describe patient-education and SC-support as perceived by different HC-professionals in three neighboring North-West European regions: Maastricht(the Netherlands), Noorder-Kempen(Belgium), Aachen (Germany). Methods: Semi-structured interviews with cardiologists, HF-nurses and general practitioners (GPs) were performed, followed by qualitative content analysis with a five-step approach: 1) familiarization with data, 2) initial coding with an a-priori code manual, 3) structuring of data in main themes, 4) revision and recoding of initial codes and 5) synthesizing codes in main themes. Results: The sample consisted of 15 cardiologists, 35 GPs and 8 HF-nurses. All interviewed HC-professionals provide HF patient-education, yet, the extent differs between them. Whereas HF-nurses identify patienteducation and SC-support as one of their main tasks, physicians report that they provide little education. Moreover, little patient education takes place in primary care; with almost none of the GPs reporting to educate patients about SC. GPs in region 2 refer HF-patients to their practice nurse for education and SC-support. None of the HC-professionals reported to provide patients with all key-topics for patient education and SCsupport as defined by the ESC. Conclusion: HF nurses consider patient-education and SC-support as one of their main tasks, whereas physicians pay limited attention to education. In none of the three regions, all recommended topics are addressed. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Heart failure,Education,Self-care,Qualitative research
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