Ballistic photocurrent driven by optical phonon modes in a polaronic ferroelectric


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We investigate the effect of local electron-phonon coupling on nonlinear optical conductivity in an interacting ferroelectric system. Using real-time simulations, we show an enhancement in nonlinear conductivity under linearly polarized light due to generation of the phonon-assisted ballistic current in addition to the injection current generated by electron-hole pairs. The optically excited phonon modes generate an asymmetric carrier distribution that causes a strong directional ballistic current. The ballistic current enhances the photocurrent several times at above band-gap excitation frequencies and is sublinearly dependent on the excitation intensity. This strong phonon-assisted zero-frequency directional ballistic current demonstrates an alternative way to boost the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE) in electronic ferroelectric materials with strong local electron-phonon coupling.
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optical phonon modes,ballistic photocurrent
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