MyoSim: Fast and physiologically realistic MuJoCo models for musculoskeletal and exoskeletal studies

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(2022)

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Owing to the restrictions of live experimentation, musculoskeletal simulation models play a key role in biological motor control studies and investigations. Successful results of which are then tried on live subjects to develop treatments as well as robot aided rehabilitation procedures for addressing neuromusculoskeletal anomalies ranging from limb loss, to tendinitis, from sarcopenia to brain and spinal injuries. Despite its significance, current musculoskeletal models are computationally expensive, and provide limited support for contact-rich interactions which are essential for studying motor behaviors in activities of daily living, during rehabilitation treatments, or in assistive robotic devices. To bridge this gap, this work proposes an automatic pipeline to generate physiologically accurate musculoskeletal, as well as hybrid musculoskeletal-exoskeletal models. Leveraging this pipeline we present MyoSim - a set of computationally efficient (over 2 orders of magnitude faster than state of the art) musculoskeletal models that support fully interactive contact rich simulation. We further extend MyoSim to support additional features that help simulate various real-life changes/diseases, such as muscle fatigue, and sarcopenia. To demonstrate the potential applications, several use cases, including interactive rehabilitation movements, tendon-reaffirmation, and the cosimulation with an exoskeleton, were developed and investigated for physiological correctness. Web-page:
neuromusculoskeletal anomalies,limb loss,sarcopenia,brain injuries,spinal injuries,motor behaviors,daily living,rehabilitation treatments,assistive robotic devices,hybrid musculoskeletal-exoskeletal models,MyoSim,interactive rehabilitation movements,physiological correctness,musculoskeletal simulation models,biological motor control,robot aided rehabilitation,MuJoCo model
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