Real-time Reconfiguration Planning for the Dynamic Control of Reconfigurable Cable-Driven Parallel Robots

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics(2022)

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Abstract The movable anchor points make Reconfigurable Cable-Dirven Parallel Robots (RCDPRs) advantageous over conventional cable-driven parallel robots with fixed anchor points, but the movable anchor points also introduce an inherent problem – reconfiguration planning. Scholars have proposed reconfiguration planning approaches for RCDPRs, taking into account the statics and kinematics of RCDPRs. However, a real-time reconfiguration planning approach that considers the dynamics of an RCDPR and is computationally efficient enough to be integrated into the RCDPR's dynamic controller is still not available in the literature yet. This paper develops a real-time reconfiguration planning approach for RCDPRs. A novel reconfiguration value function is defined to reflect the “;value” of an RCDPR configuration and to provide a reference index for the reconfiguration planning of an RCDPR. The developed approach conducts reconfiguration planning based on the “value” of RCDPR configurations then. The developed approach is computationally efficient, reducing the reconfiguration planning time by more than 93 percent, compared to one iteration of a box-constrained optimization-based reconfiguration planning approach. Such a high efficiency allows the developed approach to be integrated into an RCDPR's dynamic controller that usually runs with a high frequency. Integrating reconfiguration planning and dynamic control enhances the control performance of the RCDPR. To verify the effectiveness of the developed approach and the integration of reconfiguration planning and dynamic control for RCDPRs, a case study of an RCDPR with seven cables and four movable anchor points is conducted.
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Key words
reconfigurable cable-driven parallel robot,real-time reconfiguration planning,dynamic control
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