Updated design strategies for oral delivery systems: maximized bioefficacy of dietary bioactive compounds achieved by inducing proper digestive fate and sensory attributes


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Interest in the application of dietary bioactive compounds (DBC) in healthcare and pharmaceutical industries has motivated researchers to develop functional delivery systems (FDS) aiming to maximize their bioefficacy. As the direct and indirect health benefiting effects of DBC are acknowledged, traditional design principle of FDS aiming at improving the bioavailability of intact DBC is challenged by the updated one, where the maximized bioefficacy of DBC delivered by FDS will be achieved via rationally absorbed at target sites with proper metabolism pathways. This article briefly summarized the absorption and metabolic fates of orally digested DBC along with their direct and indirect mechanisms to perform health benefiting effects. Current strategies in designing the next generation FDS with an emphasis on their modulation effects on the distribution portion between the upper and lower digestive tract, portal vein and lymphatic absorption, human digestive and gut microbiota enzymatic mediated metabolism were highlighted. Updated research progresses of FDS in adjusting sensory attributes of food end products and inducing synergistic effects rooting from matrix materials and co-delivered cargos were also discussed. Challenges as well as future perspectives concerning the precise nutrition and the critical role of delivery systems in dietary intervention were proposed.
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Dietary bioactive compounds,functional delivery systems,bioefficacy,modulation effects,absorption and metabolism,sensory control,synergistic effects
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