Guest Editorial Sensing Psychological Parameters and AI-Enabled Emotion Care for Human Wellness

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics(2022)

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The papers in this special section focus on the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled technologies to address human wellness. As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold over the last several years, there was an urgent demand to pay more attention to psychological health for human wellness by providing methods and means of sensing psychological parameters, emotional care and mental disorder patient monitoring, especially during these difficult times. With the aid of wearable computing technology and artificial intelligence, emotion and mental disorder detections are available through sensing and analyzing psychological parameters. Discusses the use of AI-based patient monitoring and the ability to monitor human wellness via remote sensing technologies. The papers in this issue provide a snapshot of some of the latest research advances on the research and application of Small Things and Big Data, knowledge discovery and knowledge representation for the combination towards biomedical and health informatics.
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