Enhanced properties of poly(silylene phenylether arylacetylene) by a side cyano group


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Poly(silylene arylacetylene) resin is a type of thermosetting resin with high heat resistance and good mechanical performance. A cyano group was introduced into a 1,3-bis(4-ethynylphenoxy)benzene, and thus a poly(silylene phenylether arylacetylene) with a side cyano group (PCNSA-MP) was obtained by the polymerization of 2,6-bis-(4-ethynylphenoxy)benzonitrile and dichlormethylphenylsilane under a catalyst. The structures and properties of PCNSA-MP and poly(silylene phenylether arylacetylene) (PSEA-MP) resins and the mechanical properties of T300/resin composites were studied. The results show that both PCNSA-MP and PSEA-MP resins possess good heat resistance. Especially, the PCNSA-MP resin with the cyano group exhibits lower curing temperature, better heat resistance, and higher mechanical properties as compared with PSEA-MP resin. The T-d5 of the cured PCNSA-MP resin arrives at 491 degrees C and there is no significant glass transition below 450 degrees C for the resin. The flexural strengths of the cured PCNSA-MP resin and T300/ PCNSA-MP composite reach 55.2 MPa and 433.8 MPa, respectively.
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high-performance resin, poly(silylene arylacetylene) resin, silicon-containing arylacetylene resin with a cyano group, thermally stable resin
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