RLPlace: Deep RL Guided Heuristics for Detailed Placement Optimization

2022 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE)(2022)

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The solution space of detailed placement becomes intractable with increase in thenumber of placeable cells and their possible locations. So, the existing works either focus on the sliding window-based optimization or row-based optimization. Though these region-based methods enable us to use linear-programming, pseudo-greedy or dynamic-programming algorithms, locally optimal solutions from these methods are globally sub-optimal with inherent heuristics. The heuristics such as the order in which we choose these local problems or size of each sliding window (runtime vs. optimality tradeoff) account for the degradation of solution quality. Our hypothesis is that learning-based techniques (with their richer representation ability) have shown a great success in problems with huge solution spaces, and can offer an alternative to the existing rudimentary heuristics. We propose a two-stage detailed-placement algorithm RLPlace that uses reinforcement learning (RL) for coarse re-arrangement and Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) for fine-grain refinement. With global placement output of two critical IPs as the start point, RLPlace achieves upto 1.35% HPWL improvement as compared to the commercial tool's detailed-placement result. In addition, RLPlace shows at least 1.2% HPWL improvement over highly optimized detailed-placement variants of the two IPs.
deep RL guided heuristics,detailed placement optimization,solution space,placeable cells,possible locations,sliding window-based optimization,region-based methods,linear-programming,dynamic-programming algorithms,locally optimal solutions,inherent heuristics,local problems,solution quality,learning-based techniques,richer representation ability,huge solution spaces,existing rudimentary heuristics,detailed-placement algorithm RLPlace,reinforcement learning,global placement output,commercial tool,detailed-placement variants,HPWL improvement,optimality tradeoff,row-based optimization,sliding window,satisfiability modulo theories
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