Sea-keeping analysis of hospital catamarans for handling COVID-19 patients on remote islands with a numerical approach


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This study used a catamaran hospital ship to handle the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, particularly in remote islands where the virus has spread. This study aims to examine the design of hospital catamarans with good stability and sea-keeping using a numerical method with the help of CFD. The study was carried out by simulating the hull design of a catamaran using the diffraction panel method under three moving conditions, namely steady state condition, running at service speed (8 knots), and running at speed faster than service speed (11 knots), and analyzing it numerically using CFD and comparing the results with the standards set by IMO and previous research. Based on the study results, the design of the catamaran hospital ship for COVID-19 has good stability and seaworthy characteristics and follows existing standards. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by IASE. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
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Hospital ship, Catamaran, Seakeeping, CFD
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