Learning materials in physical education Barriers and solutions


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Learning materials in physical education are considered to have the potential to promote the learning processes of students. On the one hand, this refers to subject-related aspects such as the acquisition of complex movements or the development of solutions to movement problems. On the other hand, learning materials are also associated with interdisciplinary goals such as the promotion of independence, motivation, and the ability to cooperate. In this article, potential barriers to learning materials are presented and criteria for accessible learning materials are formulated. To this end, a subject-specific perspective is first adopted, and barriers due to inappropriate subject-specific requirements and inappropriate subject-specific support are presented. Furthermore, from the perspective of multimedia learning, unnecessary information processing, and suboptimal essential information processing will be addressed as barriers to learning materials in physical education. Finally, the perspective of pedagogy in the case of visual impairment is considered with a focus on visual design.
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Media,Curriculum design,Multimedia learning,Education for visually impaired,Universal design,Accessibility
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