Ground states for fractional Choquard equations with magnetic fields and critical exponents


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In this paper, we investigate the ground states for the following fractional Choquard equation with magnetic fields and critical exponents: (-Delta)(A)(s) u + V(x)u = lambda f(x, u) + [vertical bar x vertical bar(-alpha) * vertical bar u vertical bar(2 alpha,s)*(-2)u in R-N, where lambda > 0, alpha epsilon (0, 2s), N > 2s, u : R-N -> C is a complex-valued function, 2(alpha,s)* = (2N - alpha)/(N - 2s) is the fractional Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent, V epsilon (R-N, R) is an electric potential, V and f are asymptotically periodic in x, A epsilon (R-N, R-N) is a magnetic potential, and (-Delta)(A)(s) is a fractional magnetic Laplacian operator with s epsilon (0, 1). We prove that the equation has a ground state solution for large lambda by using the Nehari method and the concentration-compactness principle.
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Fractional Choquard equation, magnetic fields, critical exponents, ground states, Nehari method
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