Post-COVID lung disease(s)


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Post-COVID lung impairment and diseases are major public health concern in the pandemic of COVID-19. Multiple etiological factors can lead to post-COVID respiratory symptoms, with post COVID fibrosis or diffuse parenchymal lung disease being the major concern. We searched PubMed database for English literature related to post-COVID lung disease and we summarized the existing evidence on radiological, physiological, and histopathological aspects of post-COVID lung diseases. We suggest a guidance on the evaluation of these patients and highlight management considerations including general care, pulmonary rehabilitation, and lung transplantation. We also explain gaps in knowledge and awaited ongoing research results, especially in the field of drug therapies including corticosteroids and antifibrotics.
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Acute respiratory distress syndrome, antifibrotic therapy, COVID-19, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary rehabilitation
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