Brand valuation: an innovative approach based on conversion ratios


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We present a novel brand valuation method based on conversion ratios. The proposed approach uses brand-related parameters, which are usually accessible, however, the established brand valuation methods have not yet used them. These key parameters include the ability to acquire new customers and retain current customers. We argue that such parameters can be reflected through the cost of reaching new customers and retaining current customers. The method proposed relies on observable inputs, hence, it specifically addresses the limitation of the brand valuation methods defined so far. The method is based on the cost savings reached by the investors who acquire the brand. It can be applied in situations in which brand users reach average to below average results not admitting the application of income-based approaches. Furthermore, the method is a suitable analytical tool supporting financial executives, analysts, and consultants while identifying contributions made by the brand. We test the concept on a model company within a case study. The method can be also a contribution in terms of the calibration and refinement of the existing approaches and will support both researchers and practitioners to improve the understanding between the already accepted brand valuation methods and novel perspectives on the issue.
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Brand, brand valuation, valuation methods, conversion ratio, investment
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