Nuclear Analyses for the Assessment of the Loads on the ITER Radial Neutron Camera In-Port System and Evaluation of Its Measurement Performances


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The radial neutron camera (RNC) is a key ITER diagnostic system designed to measure the uncollided 14- and 2.5-MeV neutrons from deuterium-tritium (DT) and deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion reactions, through an array of detectors covering a full poloidal plasma section along collimated lines of sight (LoS). Its main objective is the assessment of the neutron emissivity/alpha source profile and the total neutron source strength, providing spatially resolved measurements of several parameters needed for fusion power estimation, plasma control, and plasma physics studies. The present RNC layout is composed of two fan-shaped collimating structures viewing the plasma radially through vertical slots in the diagnostic shielding module (DSM) of ITER Equatorial Port 1 (EP01): the ex-port subsystem and the in-port one. The ex-port subsystem, devoted to the plasma core coverage, extends from the Port Interspace to the Bioshield Plug: it consists of a massive shielding unit hosting two sets of collimators lying on different toroidal planes, leading to a total of 16 interleaved LoS. The in-port system consists of a cassette, integrated inside the port plug DSM, containing two detectors per each of the six LoS looking at the plasma edges. The in-port system must guarantee the required measurement performances in critical operating conditions in terms of high radiation levels, given its proximity to the plasma neutron source. This article presents an updated neutronic analysis based on the latest design of the in-port system and port plug. It has been performed by means of the Monte Carlo MCNP code and provides nuclear loads on the in-port RNC during normal operating conditions (NOC) and inputs for the measurement performance analysis.
Neutrons,Plasmas,Detectors,Collimators,Heating systems,Plugs,Solid modeling,ITER,MCNP,Monte Carlo methods,neutron diagnostics,neutron measurements,radial neutron camera (RNC),radiation transport
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