Continuous denoising level adjustment of seismic data through filter modification


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Noise reduction is an important step in seismic data processing. Noise levels display a significant degree of spatial and temporal variability owing to complicated geologic con-ditions and acquisition environments, making noise reduction extremely challenging. Existing denoising models for seismic data based on deep learning are typically developed using a training set with a single constant noise level or with numer-ous discrete noise levels within a given range. These models cannot be applied for the recovery of seismic data with con-tinuous noise levels. If the noise level of the seismic data to be processed does not match the denoising model, noise reduc-tion is likely to be incomplete or signal details may be lost. Notably, the filters (convolution kernels) in the models trained by data sets with different noise levels are very similar in terms of visual patterns; only the statistics of their weights differ, such as the mean and variance. Based on this principle, we have designed a generic denoising network to artificially adjust the denoising level. The filter modification layer (FML) in this generic denoising network modifies the filter channel -by-channel. A continuous change in the denoising level be-tween the beginning and final levels can be conducted by al-tering the FML, thereby preventing over-or underdenoising.
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continuous denoising level adjustment,seismic data
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