Europa Clipper Mission: System Integration Review Report

Ben Bradley,Carolyn Brennan,Brent Buffington,Hayden Burgoyne, Jennifer Dooley, Jordan Evans, Winston Jackson, Kevin Kloster,Brett Smith, Erisa Stilley,Joe Stehly, Steve Vernon, Kendra Cook

2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO)(2022)

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Jupiter's icy moon Europa is a prime target in our exploration of potentially habitable worlds beyond Earth. The combination of a subsurface liquid water layer in contact with a rocky seafloor may yield an ocean rich in the elements and energy needed for the emergence of life, and for potentially sustaining life through time. Europa may hold the clues to one of NASA's long-standing quests – to determine whether or not we are alone in the universe. The Europa Clipper mission will characterize Europa's habitability as the first step in the search for potential life at Europa by conducting approximately four dozen flybys. The project is preparing for a System Integration Review in November of 2021. This paper will summarize changes from the mission's Preliminary Design Review (PDR) baseline, including science objectives, launch vehicle, interplanetary trajectory, science tour, flight system, payload and mission phases. Since PDR several of the Level 1 science requirements were descoped and the science requirement flow was realigned, in order to control cost growth. The realignment deemphasized science redundancy, which had resulted in an over-constrained science tour, in favor of a more targeted linkage to the primary responding instrument. Additionally, changes to the PDR flight system design baseline include changes to the sounding radar antenna design, the magnetometer architecture, and the heat redistribution system pumps. All changes have been incorporated into a reference science tour used to demonstrate that the requirements and design of the flight system and payload are mature enough to support flight builds.
NASA's long-standing quests,Europa Clipper mission,Europa's habitability,potential life,approximately four dozen flybys,science objectives,mission phases,Level 1 science requirements,science requirement flow,realignment deemphasized science redundancy,over-constrained science tour,PDR flight system design baseline,heat redistribution system pumps,reference science tour,System Integration Review report,jupiter,prime target,potentially habitable worlds,subsurface liquid water layer,potentially sustaining life
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