Inari large-bore mechanical thrombectomy in intermediate-high risk submassive PE patients: Case series and literature review

Global Cardiology Science and Practice(2022)

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Pulmonary embolism (PE) is one of the most common causes of cardiovascular (CV) mortality worldwide. Owing to the associated morbidity and mortality with other treatment modalities, including systemic thrombolysis, a discernible change in the era of acute pulmonary embolism management has been reported. Catheter-directed thrombectomy using the FlowTriever system (Inari Medical; Irvine, CA, USA) was shown to reduce endpoints of interest in patients with acute intermediate-high risk PE and was associated with rapid hemodynamic improvement. In this report, we describe our experience with three cases of patients presenting with submassive PE, whereby immediate pulmonary artery pressure improvement was evident in all cases after successful mechanical thrombectomy. Our experience supports the use of FlowTriever mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of submassive PE in clinical practice, with a call for further research to establish associated benefits.
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Key words
mechanical thrombectomy,submassive pe patients,large-bore,intermediate-high
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