Galactic bar resonances with diffusion: an analytic model with implications for bar-dark matter halo dynamical friction


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The secular evolution of disk galaxies over cosmic time is largely driven by resonances between the orbits of 'particles' (e.g. stars or dark matter) and the rotation of non-axisymmetric features (e.g. spiral arms or a bar). Such resonances are also often invoked to explain present-day kinematic and photometric features observed in the Milky Way and external galaxies. In simplified cases these resonant interactions are well understood: for instance, the secular dynamics of a test particle trapped near a resonance of a steadily rotating bar is easily analyzed using the angle-action tools pioneered by Binney, Monari and others. However, their treatments don't address the stochasticity and messiness of real galaxies - effects which have, with few exceptions, been previously captured only in complex N-body simulations. In this paper we propose a simple kinetic equation to describe the distribution function of particles near an orbital resonance with a rigidly rotating bar, using the pendulum approximation and allowing for diffusion of the particles' slow actions. We solve this kinetic equation for various values of the diffusion strength $\Delta$. We then apply our theory to the calculation of the dynamical friction torque felt by a bar embedded in a spherical dark matter halo. For $\Delta = 0$ we recover the classic result of Tremaine & Weinberg that the friction vanishes in the time-asymptotic (phase-mixed) limit, whereas for $\Delta > 0$ we find that diffusion suppresses phase mixing, leading to a finite negative torque, suggesting that real galactic bars always decelerate.
diffusion,analytic model
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