Improved Pancreatic Tumor Detection by Utilizing Clinically-Relevant Secondary Features


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Pancreatic cancer is one of the global leading causes of cancer-related deaths. Despite the success of Deep Learning in computer-aided diagnosis and detection (CAD) methods, little attention has been paid to the detection of Pancreatic Cancer. We propose a method for detecting pancreatic tumor that utilizes clinically-relevant features in the surrounding anatomical structures, thereby better aiming to exploit the radiologist's knowledge compared to other, conventional deep learning approaches. To this end, we collect a new dataset consisting of 99 cases with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and 97 control cases without any pancreatic tumor. Due to the growth pattern of pancreatic cancer, the tumor may not be always visible as a hypodense lesion, therefore experts refer to the visibility of secondary external features that may indicate the presence of the tumor. We propose a method based on a U-Net-like Deep CNN that exploits the following external secondary features: the pancreatic duct, common bile duct and the pancreas, along with a processed CT scan. Using these features, the model segments the pancreatic tumor if it is present. This segmentation for classification and localization approach achieves a performance of 99% sensitivity (one case missed) and 99% specificity, which realizes a 5% increase in sensitivity over the previous state-of-the-art method. The model additionally provides location information with reasonable accuracy and a shorter inference time compared to previous PDAC detection methods. These results offer a significant performance improvement and highlight the importance of incorporating the knowledge of the clinical expert when developing novel CAD methods.
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Pancreatic cancer, Tumor segmentation, CNN
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