Potential of Polymer Matrix in Delivery of Lemon Grass Cymbopogon Citratus Stapf Essential Oil Against House Fly Musca Domestica L.

Senthoorraja R,Subaharan K,Deepak Kumar Patel,Vppalayam Shanmugam Pragadheesh, Basavarajappa S, N Bakthavatsalam

Indian Journal of Entomology(2022)

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House fly Musca domestica L. is a pest of humans, poultry, and livestock across the world. Dependence on chemical insecticides to contain the flies provided varying results and their continued use has led to development of insecticide resistance. Bioactive compounds in plants are an alternative source to manage M. domestica. Lemon grass, Cymbopogon citratus, Stapf essential oil caused fumigant toxicity to eggs (LC501.299 mg/dm3) and adults (16.56 mg/ dm3). The C. citratus EO caused larval repellence. Polyvinylpyrrolidone when used as polymer matrix to load C. citratus at 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 caused toxicity to flies for a longerperiod as compared to use of EO alone. The EO loaded in polymer matrix had a slower dissipation, EO+PVP polymer mixed at 1:3 retained over 80% of EO after 72 hr when exposed to 60oC. EO, whilst EO alone without a dispenser dissipated in 3 hr. The biological effect of C. citratus EO on M. domestica canbe enhanced for a longer period if loaded into a polymer matrix and this would be an effective strategyto manage M. domestica.
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