Regulatory processes that maintain or alter ribosomal DNA stability during the repair of programmed DNA double-strand breaks

Genes & genetic systems(2023)

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Organisms have evolved elaborate mechanisms that maintain genome stability. Deficiencies in these mechanisms result in changes to the nucleotide sequence as well as copy number and structural variations in the genome. Genome instability has been implicated in numerous human diseases. However, genomic alterations can also be beneficial as they are an essential part of the evolutionary process. Organisms sometimes program genomic changes that drive genetic and phenotypic diversity. Therefore, genome alterations can have both positive and negative impacts on cellular growth and functions, which underscores the need to control the processes that restrict or induce such changes to the genome. The ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) is highly abundant in eukaryotic genomes, forming a cluster where numerous rDNA copies are tandemly arrayed. Budding yeast can alter the stability of its rDNA cluster by changing the rDNA copy number within the cluster or by producing extrachromosomal rDNA circles. Here, we review the mechanisms that regulate the stability of the budding yeast rDNA cluster during repair of DNA double-strand breaks that are formed in response to programmed DNA replication fork arrest.
ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA),DNA copy number changes,circular extrachromosomal DNA,DNA double-strand break,genome stability
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