A developed variable pressure-assisted salting process: Improving the textural, flavor, and sensory attributes in roasted duck breast


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This study developed variable pressure salting (VPS) equipment to accelerate salting efficiency and improve the sensory qualities of roasted duck breast. It evaluated the effect of this VPS technology on the textural and flavor changes of roasted duck breast at different roasting stages (0–50 min) and examined the sensory attributes of the final products obtained after VPS and control treatment. The results indicated that the VPS treatment improved the water-holding capacity, tenderness, and salt concentration in roasted duck breast. After 50 min, the moisture content, immobilized moisture, and salt concentrations of the VPS samples increased by 3.58%, 5.69%, and 62.33%, respectively, compared with the control samples (static wet salting, SWS), while the shear force decreased by 45.63%. PLS analysis showed that hexanal, decanal, (E)-2-decenal, undecanal and benzaldehyde represented the main flavor compounds in the VPS samples, while (E, E)-2,4-decadienal, (E)-2-octen-1-ol, and (E)-2-octenal dominated in the SWS samples. Furthermore, VPS treatment enriched the fruity, almond, and orange flavor of the roasted duck breast. The sensory scores of aroma, tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptance of the VPS samples were distinctly higher than that of SWS ones.
Roasted duck breast,Variable pressure salting,Texture,Flavor,Sensory attributes
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