$O^{2}$-SiteRec: Store Site Recommendation under the O2O Model via Multi-graph Attention Networks

2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)(2022)

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The emergence of Online-to-Offline (O2O) stores based on delivery platforms (e.g., Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Eleme) provides great convenience to people's lives. In the O2O model, one of the essential problems for merchants is to select a suitable store site, i.e., store site recommendation problem. We argue that the existing works for the traditional brick-and mortar stores cannot address this problem due to two unique factors in the O2O model including (i) dynamic supply caused by courier capacity and dispatching strategies and (ii) various customer demands caused by delivery distance and customer preferences. To incorporate these new factors, we design O-2-SiteRec, a store site recommendation method under the O2O model via multi-graph attention networks, which consists of (i) a courier capacity model based on a multi-semantic relation graph attention network to capture courier capacity; (ii) a heterogeneous multi-graph based recommendation model, where the courier capacity, customer preferences, and context features are fused. We evaluate our method based on one-month real-world data consisting of 39,465 stores and 23.6 million orders from one of the largest O2O platforms in China. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in various metrics.
largest O2O platforms,multigraph attention networks,Online-to-Offline,delivery platforms,Uber Eats,great convenience,people,essential problems,suitable store site,store site recommendation problem,-mortar stores,unique factors,O2O model including dynamic supply,dispatching strategies,various customer demands,delivery distance,customer preferences,2 SiteRec,store site recommendation method,courier capacity model,multisemantic relation graph attention network,heterogeneous multigraph based recommendation model
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