What can be learnt with wide convolutional neural networks?


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Understanding how convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can efficiently learn high-dimensional functions remains a fundamental challenge. A popular belief is that these models harness the local and hierarchical structure of natural data such as images. Yet, we lack a quantitative understanding of how such structure affects performance, e.g. the rate of decay of the generalisation error with the number of training samples. In this paper, we study deep CNNs in the kernel regime. First, we show that the spectrum of the corresponding kernel inherits the hierarchical structure of the network, and we characterise its asymptotics. Then, we use this result together with generalisation bounds to prove that deep CNNs adapt to the spatial scale of the target function. In particular, we find that if the target function depends on low-dimensional subsets of adjacent input variables, then the rate of decay of the error is controlled by the effective dimensionality of these subsets. Conversely, if the target function depends on the full set of input variables, then the error rate is inversely proportional to the input dimension. We conclude by computing the rate when a deep CNN is trained on the output of another deep CNN with randomly-initialised parameters. Interestingly, we find that, despite their hierarchical structure, the functions generated by deep CNNs are too rich to be efficiently learnable in high dimension.
hierarchical models,kernel learning,neural tangent kernel,theory of deep learning,generalization,convolutional neural networks
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