Lichen planus in Germany - epidemiology, treatment, and comorbidity. A retrospective claims data analysis


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Background and objectives Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease and is a major burden for affected patients. However, data on this condition are scarce. This study aims to expand the knowledge on the epidemiology and treatment patterns of LP using German health claims data. Patients and Methods This retrospective observational study was based on the InGef research database. Prevalent and incident LP patients were identified in the years 2015 and 2018. Descriptive statistics were calculated for demographic characteristics, treatment patterns, and comorbidity. Results The prevalence of LP was 95.9 and the incidence was 20.1 per 100,000 individuals in 2018, corresponding to 79,605 prevalent LP cases in Germany. The first LP diagnosis was generally documented by a dermatologist or a primary care physician. Three-quarters of the incident and half of the prevalent patients received topical therapy, mostly without further systemic therapy. Comorbidity in LP patients was consistent with previously known associations. Conclusions Available treatment options remain limited, underscoring the unmet need for safe and efficacious systemic treatment modalities. Lichen planus is frequently accompanied by clinically relevant systemic comorbidity. Taken together, these observations may improve our understanding of the burden of this disease and increase diagnostic awareness among clinicians.
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