The Impact of Collaborative Learning Techniques on Written Expression, Self- Regulation and Writing Motivation

lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education(2022)

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The study examines the effects of collaborative learning techniques on written expression, self-regulation and writing motivation. It was designed according to the pre-test-post-test control group experimental model. The research was conducted during the 2017-2018 academic year with a total of 88 students in in one control and two experimental groups. The first experimental group performed writing exercises according to Co-Op Co-Op and the second experimental group utilized the STAD technique. The control group, on the other hand, carried out writing studies according to the Turkish Lesson Teaching Program (MEB, 2018). Data were collected via a Personal Information Form, 6+1 Analytical Writing and Evaluation Scale, Writing Oriented Self-Regulation Scale and Writing Motivation Scale and were analyzed with the SPSS program. When the findings are examined, a significant difference was seen between the experimental groups and the control group's post-test score average for self-regulation in writing. No significant difference was found between the written expression skills and writing motivation post-test mean scores.
Collaborative Learning,Cooperative Learning,Cognitive Apprenticeship
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