Dairy Productivity of Holstein Cows of Different Genetic Lines in the Conditions of Kostanay Region of Kazakhstan

Pakistan Journal of Zoology(2023)

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This article presents a comparative characteristic of cows' dairy productivity in the context of three lines: Reflection Sovereign and Wis Burke Ideal and Osborndale Ivanhoe in the conditions of the breeding farm of Kostanay region. Studies on lactating cows have shown that cows of the Wis Burke Ideal line have an advantage in milk productivity. Furthermore, that the highest productivity was noted in cows of the Wis Burke Ideal line - 14793.02, which is 3894.44 and 3523.52 kg higher than in the peers of the Reflection Sovereign and Osborndale Ivanhoe lines. Since the research farm specializes in breeding Holstein breed it is necessary to adhere to the standard of the breed in all genetic, constitutional, exterior and productive parameters. To fully realize the genetic potential of the breed it is necessary: to select for artificial insemination bulls from the line whose offspring are most productive and physiologically more adapted to the climatic, technological and forage conditions of the farm. When selecting, special attention should be paid to the strength of the hoofed horn and the duration of commercial use. For the given purposes it is recommended to use such bulls of the Wis Burke Ideal line whose average milk productivity exceeds that of their coevals and the breed standard and simultaneously allows to keep productive longevity and reproductive ability. The results obtained in the course of research indicate the influence of such genotypic factor as 'lineage' on the productive longevity of Holstein cows. The most longevity and highly productive were the cows of line Wis Burke Ideal. The results obtained during the researches testify to the influence of such genotypical factor as "lineage" on the productive longevity of Holstein cows. The most long-lived and highly productive cows were those of the Wis Burke Ideal line. The prospects for breeding dairy cows also lie in the fact that they have practically shown high milk productivity at the end of three lactations.
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Key words
Holstein cows, Productivity, Milk, Longevity, Genetic lines
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