IoT Based Signal Patrolling for Precision Vehicle Control

Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems(2022)

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Internet of Things basically provides the connectivity to the devices located even at the far places. Data can be gathered from the devices such as sensors, moving vehicles, devices, etc. and can be stored and accessed at the centralised hub with the help of Internet of Things devices. In this paper, precision vehicle control is achieved by signal patrolling with the help of IoT. Signal patrolling is achieved by radar in the signal junction. Sensors and cameras in the car, work in tandem to ensure that the traffic signal is respected to avoid crashes and accidental deaths. When the signal is sent by the radar, it is then received and interpreted by the sensors in the vehicle, and cameras in front and back of the vehicle work in tandem to stop the vehicle. Engine control unit plays a major part in bringing the vehicle to halt. On board diagnostics device plays a major role in achieving this milestone. Vehicles can also be controlled in blind spots to avoid over-speed with the help of sensors fitted in the vehicle. Using signal patrolling, signal jumping, accidental deaths, speeding, rash driving etc. can be controlled in the urban and suburbs areas.
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