Pengaruh Kompetensi Profesional dan Pengalaman mengajar Guru Terhadap Kemampuan Belajar Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Tondano

Jerry Wuisang,Silvana S.A Oroh, Ravena F. S. Rambing

Literacy: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi(2022)

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ABSTRAK Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh pembelajaran kewirausashaaan dan status social ekonomi terhadap motivasi berwirausaha mahasiswa kecamatan likupang barat kabupaten minahasa utara. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitan kuantitatif. Populasi berjumah 95 dan sampel berjumlah 77. hasil analisis regresi ganda Y= 15,025+0,390X1 + 0,343X2 artinya Nilai konstanta sebesar 15,025 menyatakan bahwa jika nilai X1 dan X2 = 0 atau variabel kompetensi pedagogik dan pengalaman mengajar guru tidak ada, maka nilai variabel kemampuan belajar adalah sebesar 15,025. Koefisien regresi variabel kometensi profesional guru 0,390 mengandung arti bahwa setiap penambahan 1 (satu) poin variabel kompetensi profesional guru maka hal itu akan meningkatkan kemampuan belajar siswa sebesar 0,390 kali. Koefisien regresi variabel pengalaman mengajar guru 0,343 mengandung arti bahwa setiap penambahan 1 (satu) poin variabel pengalaman mengajar guru maka hal itu akan meningkatkan kemampuan belajar sebesar 0,343 kali. Ditemui koefisien korelasi ada hubungan yang kuat kopetensi profesional dan pengalaman mengajar guru dengan kemampuan belajar siswa. Ditemui pengaruh yang signifikan sebesar 54,7% dibuktikan dengan f hitung 44,748 > f tabel sebesar 3,120. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan secara simultan kompetensi profesional dan pengalaman kerja guru terhadap kemampuan belajar siswa SMA Negeri 1 Tondano. Kata Kunci : Kompetensi Profesional, Pengalaman mengajar Guru dan Kemampuan Belajar This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship learning and socioeconomic status on entrepreneurship motivation of students in West Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency. By using a quantitative research approach. The population is 95 and the sample is 77. The results of multiple regression analysis Y= 15.025+0.390X1 + 0.343X2. It means that the constant value of 15.025 states that if the value of X1 and X2 = 0 or the variables of pedagogical competence and teacher teaching experience do not exist, then the value of the ability variable does not exist. learning amounted to 15,025. The regression coefficient of the teacher's professional competence variable is 0.390 which means that for every addition of 1 (one) point of the teacher's professional competence variable, it will increase students' learning abilities by 0.390 times. The regression coefficient for the teacher teaching experience variable is 0.343 which means that for every 1 (one) addition of the teacher teaching experience variable, it will increase the learning ability by 0.343 times. There is a correlation coefficient found that there is a strong relationship between professional competence and teaching experience of teachers with students' learning abilities. There was a significant effect of 54.7%, as evidenced by f count 44,748 > f table of 3,120. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a simultaneous positive and significant effect of professional competence and teacher work experience on the learning abilities of SMA Negeri 1 Tondano students. Keywords: Professional Competence, Teacher's Teaching Experience and Learning Ability
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