Magnetic-field symmetry breaking in spin glasses

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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Time-reversal symmetry is spontaneously broken in spin glasses below their glass temperature. Under such conditions, the standard assumption about the equivalence of the most standard protocols (i.e.,\it{no big difference between switching the field on or off}, as it is sometimes said) is not really justified. In fact, we show here that the spin-glass coherence length behaves differently in the zero-field-cooled (ZFC, magnetic field is turned on) and thermoremanent-magnetization (TRM, magnetic field is turned off) protocols. This conclusion is reached through experiments, carried out on two CuMn single-crystal samples, and through massive simulations on the Janus~II dedicated supercomputer. In agreement with the predictions of a simple dynamical model that assumes that the ultrametric tree of states survives the switching-on of the magnetic field, we conclude that (all parameters being kept equal) the spin-glass coherence length is larger in the ZFC protocol. This has implications for the extended principle of superposition, which, while holding at $H = 0$, breaks down for finite magnetic fields. Preliminary simulation results support this observation.
spin glasses,symmetry,magnetic-field magnetic-field
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