Quantitative evaluation of organic richness from correlation of well logs and geochemical data: a case study of the Lower Permian Taiyuan shales in the southern North China Basin


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Marine-continental transitional shale is a potential energy component in China and is expected to be a realistic field in terms of increasing reserves and enhancing the natural gas production. However, the complex lithology, constantly changing depositional environment and lithofacies make the quantitative determination of the total organic carbon (TOC) suitable for marine shales not necessarily applicable to transitional shales. Thus, the identification of marine-continental transitional organic-rich shales and the mechanism of organic matter enrichment need to be further studied. As a typical representative of transitional shale, samples from Well MY-1 in the Taiyuan Formation in the southern North China Basin, were selected for TOC prediction using a combination of experimental organic geochemical data and well logging data including natural gamma-ray (GR), density (DEN), acoustic (AC), neutron (CNL) and U spectral gamma-ray (U), and TH spectral gamma-ray (TH). The correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, standard deviation, mean squared error (MSE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) were selected to conduct the error analysis of the evaluation of different well log-based prediction methods, involving U spectral gamma logging, Δlog R , and multivariate fitting methods to obtain the optimal TOC prediction method for the Taiyuan transitional shale. The plots of TOC versus the remaining volatile hydrocarbon content and the generation potential from Rock Eval show good to excellent potentials for hydrocarbon generation. The integrated results obtained from the various log-based TOC estimation methods indicate that, the multivariate fitting method of GR-U-DEN-CNL combination is preferable, with the correlation coefficients of 0.78 and 0.97 for the entire and objective interval of the Taiyuan Formation respectively, and with the minimum MSE and RMSE values. Specifically, the U spectral gamma logging method based on single logging parameter is also a better choice for TOC prediction of the high-quality intervals. This study provides a reference for the exploration and development of unconventional shale gas such as transitional shale gas.
marine-continental transitional shales, total organic carbon, thermal maturity, well logs
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