Deep Generative Networks Coupled With Evidential Reasoning for Dynamic User Preferences Using Short Texts


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Seeking an efficient solution for the problem of dynamic user preferences on social networks is challenging because the input data are short texts and user preferences usually change over time. This work proposes a novel framework that tackles these challenges based on deep neural networks and the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. The framework consists of three primary phases: (1) learning the hidden space of user texts; (2) word generation and mass inference; and (3) mass combination and keyword extraction. In the first phase, user texts are grouped into small batches according to timestamps. Each batch is used for separately training two types of neural networks, the Variational Autoencoder (VAE) and the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). In the second phase, the generators in the trained VAE and GAN work independently as two experts to generate bunches of tokens for modeling user preferences. Each bunch is considered as one piece of evidence, and is transformed into the so-called mass function in Dempster-Shafer theory by maximum a posterior estimation. In the final phase, Dempster's rule of combination is utilized for fusing the two independent pieces of evidence into an overall mass. This mass is used for extracting top keywords to form the user preferences within a specific time span. The experiments on short text datasets verified that the proposed method outperforms baseline models on many evaluation metrics. Additionally, the output of the proposed framework could be used for visualization, which is useful in many practical applications.
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Dempster-shafer theory,mass function,variational autoencoder,generative adversarial network,user preference,user profile,user profile visualization
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