Study on the evolution of concrete pore structure and moisture transfer mechanism after high temperature based on different sequence NMR technology

Jian Guo,Wei Tian,Xu Cheng, Wei Yun


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This study investigates the influence of elevated temperatures on concrete's pore structure and moisture transfer mechanisms. Concrete samples exposed to temperatures of 200 degrees C, 400 degrees C, 600 degrees C, and 800 degrees C were subjected to capillary water absorption (CWA) tests, and their properties were analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques employing different sequences (CPMG and SE-SPI). The results reveal after high temperature four distinct categories of pores within the concrete: micropores, mesopores, capillary pores, and macropores. Mesopores are in the highest abundance, followed by capillary pores, macropores, and micropores. As temperature increases, hydration reactions lead to an upsurge in micropores and a decline in the proportion of other pores. With further temperature escalation, the cement slurry's volume alteration causes pore expansion, resulting in a rise in capillary pores and macropores and a decrease in micropores. Furthermore, NMR technology, employing CPMG sequences, identifies three stages in the concrete's CWA process: rapid moisture transfer, moisture transfer rate descent, and moisture transition stage. SE-SPI sequence-based NMR results show that, following high-temperature exposure, moisture transfer within concrete progresses as follows: initially, water rapidly permeates mesopores and capillary pores from the exterior. As CWA time increases, these pores tend to saturate, and water gradually infiltrates micropores and macropores. High temperatures significantly impact the CWA process, enlarging pore sizes and altering the type of pore filling during capillary water absorption in concrete.
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Key words
Concrete,High temperature,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,Capillary water absorption,Moisture transfer
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