Comparison of Production and Fluorescence Characteristics of Phycoerythrin from Three Strains of Porphyridium


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Phycoerythrin, a special photosynthetic pigment, is widely used as fluorescent dye and has lots of underlying beneficial effects on health. A marine red microalga Porphyridium is considered as the potential feedstock for phycoerythrin production. However, the phycoerythrin-related properties of Porphyridium have not been systematically evaluated, especially between the species of P. cruentum and P. purpureum. The present study aimed to evaluate the production and fluorescence characteristics of phycoerythrin of three strains of Porphyridium. The results showed that P. purpureum SCS-02 presented the highest biomass, phycoerythrin content and yield were 6.43 g L-1, 9.18% DW and 0.288 g L-1, respectively. There was no significant difference between P. purpureum and P. cruentum in alpha and beta subunits amino acid sequences of phycoerythrin and in fluorescence characteristics. The high gene expression level of the key enzymes in phycoerythrobilin synthesis (porphobilinogen synthase and oxygen-dependent coproporphyrinogen-III oxidase) could be related to the high phycoerythrin content of Porphyridium. Based on systematic evaluation, P. purpureum SCS-02 was selected due to its high biomass and phycoerythrin yield. P. purpureum and P. cruentum were highly similar in the phylogenetic tree, as well as in fluorescence characteristics; therefore, it was speculated that they might be the same Porphyridium species.
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Porphyridium,phycoerythrin,fluorescence characteristics,RNA-seq
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