Virtual reality-based targeted cognitive training program for Chinese older adults: A feasibility study.

Ruxia Qiu,Yanhong Gu,Chuantao Xie, Yanan Wang, Ying Sheng,Jinfen Zhu,Ying Yue, Jianmin Cao

Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)(2022)

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OBJECTIVE:To investigate the acceptance and tolerance of a targeted cognitive training program with virtual reality (VR) in Chinese older adults. METHODS:We developed a VR-based program consisting of five games for cognitive training. Fourteen older adults voluntarily participated in the VR training program from January 1 to 22, 2022. The tolerance of the participants and acceptance of the video-based training were assessed after training. RESULTS:Of the participants, 8 (57.1%) had normal cognitive function, and 6 (42.9%) had cognitive impairment. The participants tolerated the program well with a total SSQ (simulated sickness questionnaire) score of 10.42±12.97. Regarding acceptance, 97.6% of subjects found VR equipment to be easy to use, 76.2% said it was a positive experience, and 57.1% thought VR devices were attractive. CONCLUSION:This study shows that VR-based cognitive training was well tolerated by Chinese older adults, without major or severe adverse events.
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