Extracting Design Guidelines for Augmented Reality Serious Games for Children


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Augmented Reality serious games have become an emerging solution to positively influence the learning experience for children born in the digital age. However, systematic and empirically tested design guidelines for AR serious games remain largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated the design guidelines by designing and developing four AR serious games with different mechanics inspired by the psychological needs within Self-determination Theory, following with four user studies respectively. In the first study, we explored the AR game concepts by conducting participatory design sessions. In the second study, we investigated how children react to different types of interactions and feedback mechanics in AR serious games with 32 participants. Then, we scrutinized the effect of social interactions in AR serious games on children with 24 participants. Lastly, we designed an AR game with four different versions, tested pathways to immerse children to explore and play in an AR fantasy world with 81 participants. Generally, this research explored the concepts, prototypes, and results of incorporating AR with serious games for children. We realized multiple AR prototypes inspired by SDT and generalized a set of design guidelines, which are intended to help future related designs in AR serious games.
Games, Licenses, Animals, Mathematics, Bars, Systematics, Real-time systems, Augmented reality, elementary education, serious games, design guidelines
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