Effect of Dissolved Salts on Steady-State Heat Transfer Using Excessive Cooling by Water-Air Mists

Constantin Alberto Hernandez-Bocanegra, Francisco Andres Acosta-Gonzalez, Jose Angel Ramos-Banderas, Nancy Margarita Lopez-Granados


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This work reports a new finding on the effect of dissolved salts, in water-air mists, on spray heat removal efficiencies from a metallic surface under steady state conditions. The experimental system is based on a calorimeter that measures heat flux removed by water-air mist sprays from 8 mm diameter x 2.5 mm thickness platinum samples heated by electromagnetic induction. During steady-state experiments, a solid-state controller equilibrates automatically the rate of heat generation with the rate of heat removal to reach a constant temperature. Equilibrium temperatures for stepwise T rising include 200 to 1200 degrees C in steps of 100 degrees C and then stepwise T that is lowered to 200 degrees C. The new finding is that, when using soft water-air mist and a high-water impingement density, a lack of temperature control during stepwise T increases was observed when stepping from 200 to 300 degrees C. This lack of temperature control is associated with a high heat flux and is attributed to the stabilization of the single-phase convection regime when T rising from 200 to 300 degrees C. Temperature stabilization was again possible only at wall temperatures T-w > 600 degrees C, at which single-phase convection was not stable. In contrast, when using a hard water-air mist under the same fluid flow conditions, all temperatures were readily reached. This is attributed to the transition from single-phase convection to nucleate boiling regime when T increased from 200 to 300 degrees C. This transition leads to a decrease in heat flux due to a reduction in the contact area between liquid and the wall surface. Finally, the corresponding boiling curves at high wall temperatures show the importance of heat radiation from the wall to understand the effect of salts during the stable vapor film regime.
single phase convection,boiling convection,water-air mist sprays,salt water sprays
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