Effectiveness Analysis of Different POS Tagging Techniques for Bangla Language

Smart innovation, systems and technologies(2022)

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Parts-of-speech (POS) tagging plays an important role in the field of natural language processing (NLP), such as—retrieval of information, machine translation, spelling check, language processing, sentiment analysis, and so on. Many works have been done for Bangla part-of-speech (POS) tagging using machine learning but the result does not enough. It is a matter of fact that not even a single effective research work has been conducted for Bangla POS tagging using deep learning due to a lack of data scarcity. Considering that our context is the Bangla POS tagging employing both machine learning and deep learning approach. In our research, we have compared some well-known supervised POS tagging approaches (Brill, HMM, unigram, bigram, trigram, and recurrent neural network) for Bangla languages. The supervised POS tagging technique requires a large number of data set to tag accurately. That is why we have used a large number of data set for POS tagging of Bangla languages, which will accept a raw Bangla text to produce a Bangla POS tagged output that can be directly used for other NLP applications. After the comparison, we have found the best tagging approach in terms of performance. Bangla is an inflectional language. That is why it is a very much tough job for grammatical categories of Bangla language. But our proposed model works well for Bangla languages.
Parts-of-speech (POS),NLP,Brill,N-gram,HMM,RNN,Bangla
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