A Programmable Pulse Shaper Module in the CAMAC Standard

S. A. Gorokhov, A. A. Kiryakov, M. K. Polkovnikov

Instruments and Experimental Techniques(2022)

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A PF-LDS CAMAC 8-channel programmable pulse shaper module has been developed for reception and preprocessing of information from low-channel detecting systems. The module can operate with input signals of both polarities. Output signals of the module are NIM-level signals. The module supports up to three output channels per input, and the output signals can be direct or inverse. The shaper module is designed in the CAMAC standard, has eight channels for pulse shaping, and takes two slots in a CAMAC crate. The average quantization-step duration of an output pulse is 6.52 ± 0.04 ns. The maximum pulse length of output signals is 404 ± 2 ns. The shaper delays signals by 18.85 ± 0.57 ns on average for all channels. The mean length of the leading edge of shaper output signals is 1.23 ± 0.20 ns. The relative change in the output-pulse duration under a full load of the module channels is at most 3%. The shaper threshold voltage is set in the range from –540 to +540 mV.
programmable pulse shaper module,camac standard
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