High energy X-ray fruit irradiation qualification with Monte Carlo code

Ludovic Eychenne,Francois Vander Stappen,Florent Kuntz,Frederic Stichelbaut, Cedric Dossat, Steven Robin-Chabanne, Nathalie Chatry

Radiation Physics and Chemistry(2022)

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In nuclear and medical fields, Monte Carlo simulations are commonly used to make validations (radioprotection, radiotherapy, etc.). In this study, we have considered the relevance of using Monte Carlo codes for industrial radiation processing. We carried out a feasibility study for phytosanitary treatment of a pallet of fruits by X-ray irradiation. Monte Carlo simulations were performed, using MCNPX™ code and RayXpert® software. We have determined the dose distribution throughout the irradiated product. Also, we focused on the analysis of the absorbed dose uniformity, by calculating Dose Uniformity Ratios (DUR). We also have studied the impact of the radiation source definition strategy (use of double-sided source or one single-sided source making translation steps and rotation). An experimental dose mapping study of this pallet of fruits was also performed. It determines the dose distribution throughout the product container by placing enough dosimeters in and around the product load. The good agreement between the Monte Carlo simulation results and the dose mappings leads us to consider the use of Monte Carlo codes for the calculation of the dose distribution in an irradiated product in order to qualify the process.
Monte Carlo,Qualification,Industrial radiation processing,Dose mapping,Simulation
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