Quantum Fluctuations in Vacuum Energy: Cosmic Inflation as a Dynamical Phase Transition


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A variety of models of inflation in the early Universe have been proposed and applied to describe successfully the origin of all possible structures in the Universe. On the other hand, inflation theory is still phenomenological and needs systematic physical foundations, including the relation to dark matter and dark energy. The essence of cosmic inflation would be a dynamical phase transition and the spontaneous symmetry breaking process, which are common in ordinary physics in the laboratory. At the beginning of the phase transition, the system is often in an adiabatic ground state and produces a squeezed state. This is widely interpreted as the generation of classical structures; however, it is not. The common notion of decoherence is not sufficient to describe the inflationary phase transition: a particular trajectory must be singled out in the dynamics. When an interaction turns on, dissipation or the energy flow/cascade is possible, and the c-number random field appears. The separation of these classical statistical fluctuations from the deterministic time evolution is indicated by the secular divergence or the infrared divergence of the system. We describe this phase transition based on the closed-time-path method and derive a quantum Langevin equation with classical noise, which sources the development of a coherent state. Introducing the effective action method to describe the evolution of the coherent state, we describe the order parameter that characterizes the phase transition and the associated spontaneous symmetry breaking. Since this phase transition process is common in physics, we discuss further applications of this formalism in other physical systems.
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Key words
inflation, vacuum fluctuations, phase transition, squeezed state, Langevin equation, coherent state, spontaneous symmetry breaking
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