The Effectiveness of Robot-Enacted Messages to Reduce the Consumption of High-Sugar Energy Drinks


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This exploratory study examines the effectiveness of social robots' ability to deliver advertising messages using different "appeals" in a business environment. Specifically, it explores the use of three types of message appeals in a human-robot interaction scenario: guilt, humour and non-emotional. The study extends past research in advertising by exploring whether messages communicated by social robots can impact consumers' behaviour. Using an experimental research design, the emotional-themed messages focus on the health-related properties of two fictitious energy drink brands. The findings show mixed results for humour and guilt messages. When the robot delivered a promotion message using humour, participants perceived it as being less manipulative. Participants who were exposed to humourous messages also demonstrated a significantly greater intent for future purchase decisions. However, guilt messages were more likely to persuade consumers to change their brand selection. This study contributes to the literature as it provides empirical evidence on the social robots' ability to deliver different advertising messages. It has practical implications for businesses as a growing number seek to employ humanoids to promote their services.
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consumer research, message appeals, humour, guilt, humanoid social robot, advertising, experimental design-health prevention
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