An Efficient In-Memory Computing Architecture for Image Enhancement in AI Applications


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Random spray retinex (RSR) is an effective image enhancement algorithm owing to its effectiveness in improving the image quality. However, the computing complexity of the algorithm, the required hardware resources, and memory access hamper its deployment in many application scenarios, for instance, in IoT systems with limited hardware resources. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), the use of image enhancement has become essential for improving the performance of many emerging applications. In this paper, we propose the use of RSR as a preprocessing filter before the task of semantic segmentation of low-quality urban road scenes. Using the publicly available Cityscapes dataset, we compared the performance of a pre-trained deep semantic segmentation network on dark and noisy images with that of RSR preprocessed images. Our findings confirm the effectiveness of RSR in improving segmentation accuracy. In addition, to address the computational complexity and suitability of edge devices, we propose a novel and efficient implementation of RSR using resistive random access memory (RRAM) technology. This architecture provides highly parallel analog in-memory computing (IMC) capabilities. A detailed, efficient, and low-latency implementation of RSR using RRAM-CMOS technology is described. The design was verified using SPICE simulations with measured data from the fabricated RRAM and 65 nm CMOS technologies. The approach presented here represents an important step towards a low-complexity, real-time hardware-friendly architecture and the design of retinex algorithms for edge devices.
Computer architecture, Image color analysis, Field programmable gate arrays, Memristors, Image segmentation, Visualization, Image enhancement, Memristor crossbar, multiply and add (MAC) operations, random spray retinex, scale-to-max filtering, in-memory computing
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