Tracking digital innovations for agroecology in Benin


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Faced with the food challenge and climatic instabilities, agriculture in Benin must increase its economic, social and environmental performance. Due to its multiple assets, agroecology has interested the Beninese government for several years. Digital technology is often cited as a major lever for the agroecological transition, but digital innovations in agriculture in Benin are mostly unknown. By mobilizing and adapting the methodology of tracking on-farm innovations to reveal alternative cropping systems to the digital world, this paper uncovers digital innovations in the agricultural sector in Benin and questions their ability to contribute to the agro-ecological transition. Our work makes two main contributions: the first is methodological and shows that it is possible to adapt the tracking of on-farm innovations to the tracking of digital innovations. The second is descriptive and analytical. Starting from the definition of a reference situation, we have identified, described, analyzed and evaluated 21 digital solutions used in agriculture in Benin as well as the constraints faced by their holders. We grouped these solutions into two types: digital solutions for data collection and decision aid, and platforms for exchanging and sharing knowledge. The main innovations consist of a combination of information exchange solutions and the use of artificial intelligence engines. The main constraints identified are the lack of equipment, infrastructure and skills.
evaluation criteria, Technology Readiness Level, obstacles, Benin
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