Holocene paleoclimate variability in the eastern Mediterranean, inferred from the multi-proxy record of Lake Vouliagmeni, Greece

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology(2022)

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This study presents a Holocene multi-proxy record from Lake Vouliagmeni, eastern Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The lake is subjected to intense climatic and tectonic forces causing stratigraphic variations with laminated sediments frequently interrupted by homogenous sections and event deposits. Lamination couplets consist of aragonite layers alternating with detrital and organic residues formed during periods of seawater intrusion and stratification of the lake water. The discontinuous occurrence of laminated deposits excludes a varve based chronology from being established but highlights the susceptibility of the lake to record environmental and climatic changes. Our synthesis model for regional climatic reconstruction and local environmental changes derives from δ18O and δ13C data from laminated and homogenous sediments studied separately and depending on the dominant carbonate mineral. This is further strengthened by high-resolution geochemical proxies, diatom and sedimentological data. Regional climatic signals from key sites and possible links to the Lake Vouliagmeni record are explored in response to atmospheric circulation patterns. Phases of overall humid conditions are recorded by increased inflow of siliciclastic material to the lake and negative δ18Obulk values. In contrast, periods of marine intrusion and enhanced evaporation are recorded by aragonite precipitation, positive δ18OAr values and laminations. The laminations formed in the lake seem to occur during periods of sea water intrusion into the lake, which led to pycnocline stabilization and stratified lake waters.
Paleoenvironment,Stable isotopes,Laminations,XRF scanning,Aragonite
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