
Use of industrial waste burnt residue to develop sustainable brick


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An increase in environmental concern has occurred from the accumulation of mismanaged industrial burned residue, particularly in developing countries. Recycling these wastes as a sustainable building material seems to be a potential solution not only to the pollution problem, but also to the cost of green building design. In order to develop sustainable construction materials, industrial and incinerated leftover materials are being used. The goal of this research is to find out more about the probability of replacing natural soil in brick production with burned industrial waste, such as Cupola Slag and fly ash. This study is based on various mix proportions for making bricks keeping constant cement by 10 %. Brick mixture was prepared with cupola slag and fly ash for various proportions. From the five distinct mixes with variable CS from 80% to 60%, the M1 mix with 80 % CS, 10% FA, 10% Cement had the highest compressive strength 4.5 N/mm2. Compressive strength for burnt clay bricks is 3.5 N/mm2 which is less than cupola slag bricks, while the brick mix M5 (60 CS: 30 FA: 10 cement) had the lowest water absorption and density 6.53 % and 1350.57 kg/m3. This study reveals that used of cupola slag and fly ah in combination gives satisfactory results to be used in making sustainable bricks. This study also reflects the use of burnt residue to developed sustainable building blocks. Copyright (c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Sustainable Materials and Practices for Built Environment.
Cupola slag, Fly ash, Cement, Sustainable brick, Burnt-residue
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