
A Network Struture Optimization Method foKy PcADfeSyt r eace r ense sem twork Struture Optimization Me fo fe r ar nm aruu uan for Key Place Air Defense System

Gong Jianxing, Ding Peiyuan,Zhang Jiarui,Liu Quan, Guan Yushan


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Abst ract : The k ey pl ace ai r d efense sy stem is a compl ex giant sy stem composed of vari ous weapon systems . stt Te fne s mat tem comof vus aon ssm Abst ract : The k ey pace ar d ef en se sy stem s compex ga nt sy stem compo sed f v arous weapon sys tem s Abstract: The key place air defense system is complex giant system composed f varous weapon systems , a , oz In th i s paper the elements of air d efense comba t are decoupl ed and depl oy ed an opti mization mod el aimi ng n th pape , he em s f r d f n co bat dec upd and depy d , opto mod mg Ab t a t: Th key pl c ar d fe y tem is c ple gan y t m po d f arou p yst m n s ae, r te eements of ar efens , comat are iecouean eoe, an n otmzaton moeamn In tis paper the elements of air defense comba t a e decoupled and deployed an optimization model aimng at te uniformity of the di sp ositi on di re ction th e uni formty of th e coverag e and the dep th of i ntercep ton at e unformtof te soston econ, te unfrmtof te coverae an e etof nterceton at te uniformity of the di sp ositi on direction the unf rmity of the coverage and the depth of intrcepton t h uif ity f he di psiti di ctio th nfmity f h c ag nd he deph f i pio I thi p p , th le ts f defn bat a d c pl d nd d pl y d an opi i ti n d iming of air defense fire and the uniformity of the di sp ostio n direction the uniformity of the coverage and the , ,t z of ar efense fre, anthe unformty of the sp oson recton he unformty of the coverae anhe f df fre, d the fmy f h dpsi o deon th ufmty f h oag ad th at the unif mity of the i p ti n di cti n, th nf mity of th e ge d the d pth of int pt n of ai defense fire and the uniformity of the dsposition direction the uniformity of the coverage and he coverage area of the guidance radar are establ shed the network structure of the system i s optimized by --, i , NSGA(Non dominated sorting nd sharing) II an the simul ati on results show that th ethod prop osed coverae a f the unaath, hnwork stuf he ystpty coverage area of the gudance radar are estabshed , the network tructure of the system s opt mzed by of ai def fi e, d th nif mty f the dpositi di ti , h if i f th coverage area of the guidance radar are establi shed the network structure of the system is optimize by NANonomnatesortnansharn anthe smuaton res NSGA(Non domnated sorting and shring) -II ,a an the simul ati on. re s in this p ap er can mprove the comb at cap ability of the sy stem greatly g f the id i d e t bli h d the twok tr
Keywords,Key Place Air Defense,Operational deployment,Complex networks,Structure optimization
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