Observations on the cytomorphology and ultrastructure of the peripheral blood cells of native cattle (Zobawng) of Mizoram, India


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This study aims to characterize the cytomorphology and ultrastructure of blood cells of native cattle of Mizoram. Twelve numbers of blood samples (10 ml) were collected from the Zobawng cattle, irrespective of sex. Blood smears were prepared and stained with different stains for cytomorphological study. The standard protocol has been followed for preparing blood samples for electron microscopy. Under a light microscope, erythrocytes of cattle were non-nucleated and round. The neutrophils were round, and the cytoplasm contained cytoplasmic granules. The eosinophils were rounded in outline with distinct cytoplasmic granules. The presence of basophils was infrequent with distinct blue color cytoplasmic granules. Small, medium, and large types of lymphocytes were recorded. The monocytes were round to oval in outline. Platelets were irregular to round. The reticulocytes were recorded occasionally, like small blue thin rods or granules. The cytoplasm and nucleus of granulocytes fluoresced greenish-yellow and red, respectively, with supravital stain. Under scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the erythrocytes appeared as biconcave discs. Different leukocytes were observed with their finger-like, plate-like, and narrow cell processes on their surface. Platelets were irregular structures. In transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the erythrocytes appeared anucleated biconcave elongated, neutrophils were roughly rounded with small cytoplasmic processes, and eosinophils were roughly circular with small cytoplasmic processes, the basophils were roughly circular with oval to elongated cytoplasmic granules, lymphocytes were roughly circular with centrally placed well-marked oval indented nucleus and some cytoplasmic processes, monocytes appeared spherical with long thick cytoplasmic processes and the non-nucleated platelets appeared roughly round to elongated.
blood cells, cattle, cytomorphology, electron microscopy, zobawng
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