0554 Proteomic Approach for Understanding the Mechanisms of Periodic Limb Movements and Restless Legs Syndrome


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Abstract Introduction Periodic limb movements (PLMs) are episodes of involuntary, repetitive muscle movements that are highly associated with restless legs syndrome (RLS). Although PLMs and RLS are reportedly two separate phenomena, both are tightly correlated and may result from a similar pathology. The present study profiled plasma protein biomarkers of PLMs and RLS to contribute to the identification of mechanisms associated with each disorder/trait. Methods The SomaScan highly multiplexed aptamer assay was used to profile 5,000 proteins in 24–48-hour old EDTA plasma samples from the Stanford Technology Analytics and Genomics in Sleep (STAGES) study. PLMs per hour (PLMI) were derived from overnight polysomnography and RLS was classified based on affirmative responses to questions of the Alliance Sleep Questionnaire. Three linear regression models were conducted to examine significant protein markers of 1) PLMI in the sample as a whole; 2) PLMI controlling for the presence of RLS; and 3) RLS without PLMs (i.e.,PLMI<5). All models included log2-normalized relative protein expression as the dependent variable and important covariates such as age, gender, BMI, sample storage time, and blood draw period. False discovery rate (FDR) to control for multiple testing was applied with an a-priori p-value of 0.05 for identifying significant associations. Results PLMI was significantly associated with 253 proteins (219 positive,34 negative). The inclusion of RLS in the model mitigated the significance of most proteins, and only 8 proteins remained significant. Negatively associated proteins (LEAP-1, Ferritin, SELH, Caspase-8) included functions related to iron storage, absorption, and delivery and negative regulation of inflammatory/immune responses. Positively associated proteins (SFRP4, RANTES, CathepsinA, DKK1) included proteins with functions related to immune response, inflammatory response, bone formation, and protein stability. RLS without PLMs was associated with 7 upregulated proteins (megalin, RUFY1, TADBP, ANGL7, LRTM2, SNAPN, STOM) with functions related to vitamin D metabolism, calcium and zinc binding, circadian rhythm regulation, and calcium-dependent neurotransmitter secretion. Conclusion These large proteomic analyses identified independent differential protein expressions for PLMs and RLS that suggest different pathophysiological contributions. Support (If Any) This work was supported, in part, by the National Heart, lung, and Blood institute [T32HL110952] and the Klarman Family Foundation.
periodic limb movements,proteomic approach,mechanisms
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